
How do I complete my proficiency?

The proficiency procedure for 2024/25 will consist of an Online assessment and a Practical assessment

Step 1 – Online Assessment

All members MUST complete the online skills assessment prior to presenting for the practical assessment. Any member who presents for the practical assessment without being able to show proof of completion will unfortunately be turned away. We do not have the ability to assess the skills covered in the online theory course at the beach.

To access the online assessment log on to the SLSA Members Portal and follow these instructions to complete the assessment.

Once completed, the certificate of completion will be emailed to you, or you can access it by clicking on the ‘Certifications’ button for that course.

You must print the certificate and bring it with you, or save it to your phone, or show your training record to the assessor to be permitted to undertake the practical Assessment.

Step 2 – Practical Assessment

The Wet Practical Assessment will consist of ‘run-swim-run’, Board and Tube rescue, Spinal Board rescue (as a group).

The Dry Practical Assessment is demonstration (DRSABCD) on a manikin including demonstration of resus breathes (into manikin as per pre-Covid) for two minutes, all Signal (Beach to Water and Water to Beach) and Radios (pre-operation check, channels and four P’s).

When can I undertake my practical assessment?

Patrolling members must do the practical assessment on their patrol during November and early December on the dates below if on patrol that day.

Non-Patrolling Members, and members who were not at their patrol on the day that patrol was assessed may do the practical assessment on the dates below but cannot attend the patrol only dates.

2024/2025 Proficiency Calendar
SRC/BM Patrol 3 & 4 30/11/2024 Saturday 9:00am and 2:00pm Brian Dalgarno, Rodd Sanchez
SRC/BM Patrol 1 & 12 1/12/2024 Sunday 9:00am and 2:00pm Robert Short
SRC/BM Patrol 6 & 7 7/12/2024 Saturday 9:00am and 2:00pm David Dalla-Camina
SRC/BM Patrol 2 & 5 8/12/2024 Sunday 9:00am and 2:00pm Rodd Sanchez
SRC/BM Patrol 9 & 10 14/12/2024 Saturday 9:00am and 2:00pm Robert Short
SRC/BM Patrol 8 & 11 15/12/2024 Sunday 9:00am and 2:00pm David Dalla-Camina
SRC/BM All 16/11/2024 Saturday 9:00am David Dalla-Camina, Brian Dalgarno
SRC/BM All 24/11/2024 Sunday 9:00am David Dalla-Camina
SRC/BM All 30/11/2024 Saturday 9:00am Brian Dalgarno, Rodd Sanchez
SRC/BM All 13/12/2024 Friday 5:00am David Dalla-Camina, Rodd Sanchez
SRC/BM All 14/12/2024 Saturday 9:00am Robert Short
SRC/BM All 15/12/2024 Sunday 9:00am David Dalla-Camina
IRB All 15/11/2024 Friday 5:00pm Chris Barber
IRB All 29/11/2024 Friday Gala Night 5:00pm Chris Barber
IRB All 8/12/2024 Sunday 7:00am Chris Barber
IRB All 14/12/2024 Saturday 7:00am Chris Barber
ART All 24/11/2024 Sunday 11:00am David Dalla-Camina
ART All 30/11/2024 Saturday 11:00am Brian Dalgarno, Rodd Sanchez
ART All 13/12/2024 Friday 6:00pm David Dalla-Camina, Rodd Sanchez
ART All 14/12/2024 Saturday 11:00am Robert Short
ART All 15/12/2024 Sunday 11:00am David Dalla-Camina
SMAR Swim (400m/8min) All 24/11/2024 Sunday 2:00pm David Dalla-Camina
SMAR Swim (400m/8min) All 15/12/2024 Sunday 8:00am David Dalla-Camina
SMAR Swim (400m/8min) All Kurranulla Wednesday’s 7:00pm Robert Short

Why do I need to do a proficiency?

All active lifesavers are required to complete a proficiency test to prove competency in the lifesaving award/s they hold and wish to remain current in. Proficiency tests are necessary to:

  • ensure ongoing competency of members in their area of training and activities
  • maintain the standards of knowledge and expertise of surf life savers satisfy legal and statutory requirements
  • reinforce and maintain our service commitment to the bathing and beach going community

A member’s proficiency is valid until the 31st December each year. 

Any member who is NOT proficient by the 31st December 2024, or has NOT completed appropriate awards shall NOT be allowed to:

  • Perform patrols
  • Operate rescue craft or
  • Compete in surf lifesaving competitions

Member can check their proficiency status online by logging on to the SLSA Members Area.

Please note you must be financial for the 2024/2025 season before you do your proficiency otherwise your proficiency cannot be processed.

Any questions, please contact:

David Dalla-Camina

CTO Cronulla SLSC