
How to Join

Anyone can apply to join Cronulla SLSC.

The best way to join Cronulla Surf Club is to join online at Surf Life Saving Australia’s website. You can also join in person during office hours Mon – Thur 10am-2pm by filling in a form.

Some membership categories require the applicant to perform a test swim, to ascertain their swimming abilities.

  • Senior Active membership – 400m in less than 9 minutes
  • Junior/Cadet Active membership – 200m in less than 5 minutes

Membership Renewals

All membership annual renewal fees shall fall due on May 1, of each year. Members who fail to pay their fees by the Annual General Meeting shall be declared unfinancial. Membership will lapse if a person fails to pay their fees by the 30 November, of each year. Please note that we do not accept Nipper or General Memberships until July 1st.

Pay before 30 June (Nippers and General Members have until 31 October) to receive an early bird rate.

Members are asked to renew their membership online via the SLSA Members Area.

Payment can then be made using Visa or MasterCard.

The SLSA Members Area also gives members the ability to sign and submit an electronic copy of their membership form and access all awards, patrols, and rosters.

Members can also pay by attending the Club Office during office hours with CASH, CHEQUE, VISA / MASTERCARD or alternatively by Direct Deposit:
BSB: 062 150
ACCOUNT NO: 0080 1697
For Direct Deposit payments please note your name in the reference section of the deposit.

If you do not renew online a completed and signed hard copy membership form must be emailed to or mailed to PO Box 8 CRONULLA NSW 2230

Change of Details: Changes can be made via the SLSA Members Area or alternatively, please advise the office

Membership Categories and Fees 2024/25

The table below summarises each membership category within Cronulla SLSC. A full description, along with the rules that govern each category can be found in the Club’s Constitution. You can obtain a copy of our constitution at the club office.

Junior Membership

Junior Activity Member (Nippers)

For members of the Cronulla Crays nippers. Must be between the ages of 5 and 14, as at 30th September each season.

Early Bird Fee
(pay by 31 October)


Full Fee
(pay after 1 November)

Cadet Member (13-15 years)

Participates in lifesaving duties, is rostered to a Patrol and must remain proficient each year. Shall be the holder of, or a candidate for, the Surf Rescue Certificate award.

Early Bird Fee
(pay by 30 June)


Full Fee

(Pay after 1 July)

Active Membership

Active Patrol Member (15-18 years), Active 18+

Participates in lifesaving duties, is rostered to a Patrol and must remain proficient each year. Shall be the holder of, or a candidate for, the Bronze Medallion award.

Early Bird Fee
(pay by 30 June)


Full Fee
(pay after 1 July)

Active Reserve Member

Upon written request, may be granted to an Active member who has completed 8 years of active service. Participates in lifesaving duties and must remain proficient each year. Are not rostered onto a Patrol, however must perform a minimum of 12 patrol hours to be eligible to compete.

Early Bird Fee
(pay by 30 June)


Full Fee
(pay after 1 July)

Award Member

For holders of SLSA Awards who for reasons satisfactory to the Committee are unable to perform full Active duties (e.g. temporary or permanent disability).

Early Bird Fee
(pay by 30 June)


Full Fee
(pay after 1 July)

Associate Membership

Associate Member

Not required to perform the duties of an Active Member. No SLSA Awards required, however person should demonstrate inability to perform Active duties.

Early Bird Fee
(pay by 30 June)
1st year – $285
Subsequent years -230

Full Fee
(pay after1 July)
1st year -$285
Subsequent years – $250

Associate Member – Holding Office

Not required to perform the duties of an Active Member. No SLSA Awards required, however person should demonstrate inability to perform Active duties. Holds a position on a Club Committee.

Early Bird Fee
(pay by 30 June)


Full Fee
(pay after 1 July)

Probationary Member

Accommodates new members until they gain their SLSA award or placed in an appropriate category. All new members over the age of 19 must pay the Probationary Member Fee. Re-joining and archived members must pay the Probationary Member Fee

Early Bird Fee
(pay by 30 June)


Full Fee
(pay after 1 July)

Nipper Parent Member

Suitable for members such as parents or guardians of a Junior Activity Member (Crays)

Early Bird Fee
(pay by 31 October)


Full Fee
(pay after 1 July)

Honorary and Long Service Membership

Long Service Member

Recognises long service history to the club. May be granted to members who have completed ten (10) years active service or to members who have completed eight (8) years active service plus four (4) years reserve active service. Exempt from the requirements of Active Membership.

Early Bird Fee
(pay by 30 June)


Full Fee

(pay after 1 July)

Honorary Member

Conferred upon distinguished visitors, visiting kindred club members or those who render honorary professional services to the Club.


Life Member

To be elected as a Life Member is the highest honour that can be achieved. Life Members of our Club are held in the highest esteem.


Other Fees

Competitor Levy

Any member competing for the club at an endorsed carnival or championship event is required to pay the Competitor Levy. The levy includes carnival entry fees (except for prize money events) and coaching. Must be paid before carnival entry or entry fee paid by the Club.

Early Bird Fee
(pay by 30 June)
U/15 and above – 115

Full Fee
(pay after 1 July)
U/15 and above – $135

Craft Storage Fee

If you wish to store personal craft in the craft shed if space is available. Spots are allocated in accordance with the Craft Allocation Policy. Fee is payable per item of equipment stored.

Early Bird Fee
(pay by 30 June)
Active Members/Competitors – $55
Other – $305

Full Fee
(pay after 1 July)
Active Members/Competitors -$80
Other – $305

Gym Fees

Membership Category


Active Patrol members/Life Members


Long Service/Award/Active Reserve/General




Locker Fee

Lockers will be allocated annually by a ballot system



Access Fob/Wrist Band Replacement

Replacement fee for a lost access fob or wrist band



Clearance/Transfer of Membership

Once a member of any surf life saving club in Australia, it is entirely possible to maintain dual membership, or transfer your existing membership to/from another club. There are rules that govern transfers, set by SLSA.

A member may transfer his/her whole membership, or just the competitive rights. In this scenario, patrol requirements are fulfilled at a different club (e.g. North Cronulla) to where the member competes (e.g. Cronulla). A member may not compete for two clubs at the same time and only one transfer is allowed per season.

To request a transfer, the member must lodge a transfer form through the ‘winning’ club. The ‘losing’ club will consider the transfer within 21 days. The ‘losing’ club may object to the transfer should the member be in default of patrol requirements, owe the club money etc. Such matters are taken before the State Centre, and all decisions there are final. Competitive transfers automatically take effect from the date the application is approved.