Bronze Course

There will be a Bronze course commencing on Saturday 1 February with Proficiency Swim in the Cronulla Indoor Pool at 8:30am.

The course will then continue every Sat morning 8:30am start.

There will also be some pre-course training which will start this Saturday for those that need to build up their confidence (non compulsory sessions).

Click here for all course information and links to online Course for completion prior to commencement.

Outline of events
18/1 – Precourse training, 10am (Swim and board training)
25/1 – Precourse training, 10am (Swim and board training)

1/2 – Bronze Course begins, proficiency swims 8.30am (indoor pool)
8/2 – Course, Swim Board training 8.30am Cronulla
15/2 – Course, Tube and Board Rescues 8.30am Cronulla
further dates as required, possible mid week sessions for theory, assessment date also TBC
If you would like to do your Bronze, please send an email to and complete the online course.

We look forward to seeing you all there.