Introduction to Swim Events
There are so many events that encompass swimming that it is one of the core competitive sections within any successful surf club. The main events under this discipline (specifically surf swimming) are outlined here. Stillwater swim events are covered under the category of Pool competition (See Pool Lifesaving).
Surf Race
In these races competitors sprint from the starting line on the beach into the surf where they swim around a set of coloured buoys and return to shore. The finish line is located between two flags about 15M up from the beach, meaning competitors need to sprint from the water to the line.
Divisions for the surf race include Open, U19, U17, U15 and also Masters (see Masters). Race distance is 170M for U15 – Open, and 120M for Masters.
Belt Race
This exciting event has teams consisting of one beltman, supported by four linesmen. Using a traditional surf reel, line and belt, the objective is to be the first beltman to reach the swimming buoys at a minimum distance of 120M.
The linesmen ‘pay the line out’ as required by the beltman, being careful not to allow too much rope which will slow the swimmer down with excess weight, or to cut it too short causing the swimmer to be stopped mid-stroke. The belt swimmer wins the race by reaching his can first.
Divisions for the belt race include Open and U19.
Tube Rescue
Teams consist of four members – one patient, one tube swimmer and two rescuers. The race involves the patient either swimming or being dropped out to a buoy, who must be returned to shore using tube rescue techniques.
At the starting gun, the tube swimmer dons a rescue tube and fins, swims out to the patient and attaches the tube before swimming back to shore. Upon the tube being attached to the patient, the two rescuers must also swim out to the buoys and assist the patient back to shore. When reaching the shore, the patient is dragged up to the finish line and the first team to successfully rescue the patient wins.
Introduction to Ski Events
The ski (and board) events are often referred to as craft events; as such they are contested in the ‘craft area’ at a surf carnival. A surf boat is also considered a surf craft event, however is conducted in a separate arena to board and ski.
There are many variations of ski events, including male or female, mixed, single or double and a multitude of relays. These are briefly outlined below. You must be 16 years or older to compete in ski events.
All events involve paddling a fiberglass ski from the beach, through the break and around a defined course (set by buoys) and back to the waters edge, crossing the finishing line. Up to sixteen competitors or teams may compete in a single heat.
Ski Race
Competitors will paddle a ski around the ski course, with the race conducted over a minimum distance of 300M from knee-deep water. Double ski competitors will paddle approx 50M further.
Divisions for the double and single ski include Men’s and Women’s in Open, U19 and Masters (see Masters). The double ski is also conducted as a mixed event in the Open division.
Ski Relay
This event consists of a team of three paddlers completing the ski course over a distance of approx 300M each. Upon returning to the beach the competitors who complete the first and second legs will tag the next person, with the third crossing the finish line to finish the race.
Divisions for the ski relay include Open, U19 and Masters (see Masters). There is no double ski relay.
Introduction to Board Events
The board (and ski) events are often referred to as craft events; as such they are contested in the ‘craft area’ at a surf carnival. A surf boat is also considered a surf craft event, however is conducted in a separate arena to board and ski.
There are many variations of board and ski events, including male or female, mixed, single or double and a multitude of relays. These are briefly outlined below. You must be 16 years or older to compete in ski events.
Board Rescue
Divisions include Men’s and Women’s in Open, U19, U17, U15 and also Masters (see Masters).
Each team consists of two members – one swimmer and one board paddler. On the start, the swimmer or ‘patient’ enters the water and swims to a buoy, where a raised hand signal is given for the board paddler to enter the water and rescue the swimmer. Once the swimmer is reached, they climb onto the board, and together both competitors paddle the board back to the beach, aiming to crossing the finish line first.
Board Relay
Divisions include Men’s and Women’s in Open, U19, U17, U15 and also Masters (see Masters).
This event consists of a team of three paddlers completing the board course, conducted over a distance of approx 250M each. Upon returning to the beach the competitors who complete the first and second legs will tag the next person, with the third crossing the finish line to finish the race.
Board Race
Divisions include Men’s and Women’s in Open, U19, U17, U15 and also Masters (see Masters).
This is an individual event whereby a competitor must complete the board course, conducted over a distance of approx 250M.
Board Riding
Cronulla SLSC has a separate Board Riding Section to the rest of the board events. Divisions include Men’s and Women’s in Open, U19, U17 and U15.
The judging objective is to assess the rider’s style, skill and ability to make full use of the wave being ridden, by their performance in wave selection for quality and size and for the longest time at the fastest speed using the widest range of manoeuvres in the most critical section(s) of the wave.
This event sees individual competitors vying for a score out of ten (10), based on their performance while riding a surf board. The length of each round is between 15 – 30 minutes, or until the maximum number of waves has been caught by the competitor, being 12 waves.
All events involve paddling a fiberglass board or ski from the beach, through the break and around a defined course (set by buoys) and back to the waters edge, crossing the finishing line. Up to sixteen competitors or teams may compete in a single heat.