March Past and R&R

Introduction to R&R Events

The Rescue & Resuscitation (R&R) competition provides the opportunity for SLSA members to demonstrate in a competitive manner some Rescue and Resuscitation methods.

The rules and regulations of the R&R event are encompassed within the Rescue & Resuscitation Competition Manual and subsequent bulletins.

Introduction to March Past

The March Past is literally the ‘flagship’ event of any surf carnival and one of the most traditional events that still exists today. It is a largely ceremonial event, strict on team uniformity and scored on absolute military precision.

Each club is encouraged to present a march past team of twelve (12) at major carnivals. The team marches onto the competition arena proudly flying the club standard (flag) and carrying a traditional belt line and reel, maintaining formation and moving in timely march. It is a very proud occasion for any club to witness their team representing the club at a major championship event, and an even prouder feeling to be able to fill part of that team.